Please join the Computational Neural Engineering Training Program for the Georgia Tech/Emory Neural Engineering Center Research Expo this June to showcase the wide range of research achievement in the Atlanta neural engineering community.
When: Friday, June 10th
What: Georgia Tech/Emory Neural Engineering Center Research Expo
• Research talks (1:15PM - 2:15PM) by Fellows in the NIH T32 Computational Neural Engineering Training Program (CNTP)
• Poster session (2:30PM - 5:00PM) open to all for research in the metro Atlanta area relating to neural engineering and/or computational neuroscience
Where: IBB 1128 Atrium at Georgia Tech
Why: To learn about the wide variety of research achievement in Atlanta and mingle with light refreshment.
>> Please register by June 1 to attend or present a poster here:
Poster applications are open to any undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, research staff, or faculty members in the metro Atlanta area. Poster presentations must be relevant to neural engineering and/or computational neuroscience topics.
The organizing team will respond with a confirmation email if you have been accepted to present, which will also include more logistical information about the poster session. The deadline to apply for a poster presentation is June 1st.